Create a Website with WordPress Using Elementor

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What you'll learn

  • Everything about WordPress and how to work on it

  • Basic knowledge about Elementor and what its advantages are

  • How to create a website with Elementor

  • How to adjust the style of your website with Elementor

  • How to create a Home page, About page, 404 Page and much more

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course Description :

  • In the changing world of online design, Elementor stands out as a game changer, with an intuitive and user-friendly interface that transforms the website production process. Why is Elementor important for creating a great website? It is more than simply a tool; it is a driver of invention. Elementor allows you to create visually attractive and functional websites without the need for considerable technical experience.

This course is intended to provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to create a stunning website using WordPress and the indispensible Elementor page builder. The course will be broken into five portions.

  1. Introduction

  2. WordPress and Elementor Basics

  3. Global Settings and the About Page

  4. Different Templates Creations with the Elementor Theme Builder

  5. Сonclusion

  • We'll begin by learning the fundamentals of WordPress and Elementor before moving on to create our own website page with Elementor. Our course will teach you the fundamentals of creating effective website pages, from start to finish.

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